Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a farming model in which community members pledge support to the farm at the beginning of the season. In return, they pick up a share of the harvest every week. In this way, the growers and members provide mutual support in their food production, thereby creating a true community farm.
Both partners share in the risks and rewards of small-scale farming: weather, insect damage, and fantastic tasting veggies. CSA restores the lost connection between people and agriculture by providing an opportunity for members to be directly connected to how their food is grown. It's about more than just vegetables!
As our harvest varies throughout the season, your share will also change each week. On average, a share ranges from 4-20 lbs. of food per week. Our experience suggests that this provides enough veggies for an average size family, or two vegetarian adults.
Distribution Schedule and Sites (Usual season is 24 weeks from the last week in May until early November)
Sisters Hill Farm
College of Mount St. Vincent, Bronx
Share Options:
Full Share: Pick up your share every week!
Every Other Week Share: Pick up your share every other week on your designated A or B week.
*Feel free to split your share with a friend!
Missing Your Pick Up:
One of the farm's main goals is to share a portion of the harvest with those in need. You can be certain your share will be put to good use.
Take a peek at some of our delicious shares from past years!
Check out some videos to see what a weekly share looks like through the season!
June 19th, 2021
August 17th, 2021
October 9th, 2021